January 2025

Any 2 issues of Crap Hound
UK £38.00
choose 1st issue
choose 2nd issue

Any 4 issues of Crap Hound UK £72.00
choose 1st issue
choose 2nd issue
choose 3rd issue
choose 4th issue

This heavenly issue of Crap Hound invites you to gaze in wonderment at skies full of Suns,
countless Stars and many, many Moons. Crap Hound goes cosmic and slightly supernatural.
These images, selected by the clip art deities, are sequenced and arranged in patterns
as mysterious and compelling as the night sky. Grab a few rays, bathe in moonbeams or
christen some new constellations... This issue is guaranteed to cure S.A.D.
11 x 8.5 inches, 112 pgs, 2021.
UK £19.95

In this issue Editor and unashamed Image Junkie Sean Tejaratchi attempts to answer
two key questions with this fantastic largest single issue of Crap Hound ever;
What are books? And, really, why Bees?
11 x 8.5 inches, 116 pgs, 2020.
UK £19.95

Edited and designed by Sean Tejaratchi, Crap Hound is the seminal mixture of social
commentary and somewhat overindulgent graphic design. Between a brief
introduction and the end credits, Crap Hound is pure imagery. Each page is filled with
high-contrast art, carefully taken from vintage catalogs, advertising, obscure books
and found ephemera. Additions features all new content from the themes of all the
previous issues; 'Clowns, Devils & Bait', 'Death, Phones & Scissors', 'Sex &
Kitchen Gadgets', 'Church & State' 'Superstition' and 'Hands, Hearts & Eyes'.
Cover printed with gold ink, 11 x 8.5 inches, 100 pgs, 2020.
UK £19.95

A Schadenfreude Special! Images that Sean couldn't fit into the Enormous,
544 page Crap Hound Big Book of Unhappiness!!
Cover printed with silver ink, 11 x 8.5 inches, 88 glum, gloomy pages, 2019.
UK £19.95

Meticulously researched, encyclopedic, carefully compiled and beautifully laid-out,
this issue of Crap Hound contains thousands of clipart images from the 1920s - 1980s
relating to every imaginable superstition and type of Good and Bad Luck!
8.5 x 11 inches, 100 pgs, 4th Edition, 2020.
UK £19.95

Expanded and updated with 12 Additional Pages of All-New Imagery!
Crap Hound is pure imagery, each page is filled with high-contrast line art, culled
from vintage catalogues, advertising, obscure publications and found ephemera.
Through sheer volume of artfully arranged iconography, Crap Hound explores the
popular meaning, cultural ideals and historic symbolism of hands, hearts and eyes,
you'll find 16 pages of eyes, 24 pages of hearts,35 pages of hands, 3 copyright free
typefaces and a couple of pages of random images!
8.5 x11 inches, 100 pgs, 5th Edition, 2017.
UK £19.95

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All prices include postage in the UK
Overseas customers please e-mail - mark@markpawson.uk