LE DERNIER CRI Publications - Page 4

January 2025

Catalogue of the huge, mindblowing NAROK group exhibition assembled by Le Dernier
Cri in Marseille from Nov 2021 - Feb 2022. The exhibition was initiated by Pakito
Bolino after being inspired by the NAROK photo book by Stephen Bessac, published by
Timless Editions in 2019.It displays reinterpretations of the photos from the book,
of Thai Hell Gardens by a myriad of artists from all over the world and using an array
different media - painting, drawing, screen printing, etching, sculpture, video...
Artists featured:-bZven Balslev, Andy Bolus, Julien Garon, Fredox, Jurictus,
Laetitia Brochier, Pakito Bolino, David Pujol, Marc Brunier Mestas,
Aleksandra Waliszewksa, Mathieu Desjardin, Sam Rictus, Emre Orhun, Cha Kinon,
Yan Taillefer, Craoman, Didier Poiraud, Marc Caro, Antoine Bernhart, Dave 2000,
Le Liquide de La Tete, Gea, Sekitani, Antoine D'Agata,Samplerman, Martes Bathori,
Abraham Diaz, Dr Lakra, Kinga Janiak, Celine Guichard, Pole K, Costes,
Nils Bertho, Ludovic Levasseur, Martin Lopez Lam, Franck Omer,
Daisuke Ichiba, and Jean Kristeau.
Co-published by Le Dernier Cri and Timeless Editions - 2022 - France 21 x 29 cm
224 pages in full colour, Soft cover Limited to 666 copies.
UK £34.95

'These images come from frenetically produced engravings by the participants of the
Atelier écholalie in Belgium. The écholalie workshop is a collective workshop for
people with disabilities. The engravers are: Jamel, Aurélie, Nathalie, Matthieu, Ali,
Mickael, Florence, Martine, Juilen, Michel, Yoann, William, Jérome, Ludo and Valfret.'
A4, 40pgs, silkscreened in black on white paper,
cover - white on black card, 100 copies, December 2021.
UK £29.95

YAMA HA-HA takes inspiration from Narok - the Thai Buddhist vision of Hell,
as depicted in terrifying outdoor sculpture gardens in Thailand
and in this collection of drawings it looks as if Sven enjoyed his visit to Hell!
A5, 44pgs, silkscreen cover, interior pages offset, 500 copies, 2021
UK £11.95

All prices include postage in the UK
Overseas customers please e-mail - mark@markpawson.uk