Comics and Books and Zines - page 4
October 2024
GOD IN A BOTTLE - Frank Kwiatkowski
The second collection of traffic cone prints by Frank Kwiatkowski, produced over the
of 3,000 insulin injections An aesthetic and poetic graphic examination of insulin and
living with diabetes. 20 pages, 22 x 14 cm, cover printed in gold directly from
Frank's engraved traffic cones, contents laser print, handsewn binding. ispress, Denver, 2021.
UK £8.95
SLAVE NATION - Frank Kwiatkowski
A collection of prints by Frank Kwiatkowski made from hand engraved traffic cones.
Taking inspiration and materials from the streets of Denver and flyposting the resulting
prints back in the public realm. Unique, powerful and beautiful. 20 pages, 22 x 14 cm,
cover printed from Frank's engraved traffic cones in silver, contents laser print,
handsewn binding. ispress, Denver, 2021.
UK £8.95
All prices include postage in the UK
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