Books and Maps by "Artists" - Page 6

September 2024

Chalet Fields of the Gower - Stefan Szczelkun
Hardback 72 pgs, 22.5 x 22.5 cm, Routine Art Co. 2018
UK £14.50

These maps represent central Newcastle and Peterborough, depicting how the
cities might look if food growing was an everyday part of the urban landscape.
They present a vision and discussion about cities full of food gardens, rooftop
greenhouses and indoor farms. Use these maps as guides and add your own
imagination to bring the varied spaces of the city to life filled with food production.
42 x 60 cm unfolded, 21 x 10cm folded, Mikey Tomkins, 2015
Single Map - UK £5.50
Select city

Both Maps - UK £10.00

the book on books on artists books - ARNAUD DESJARDIN

The result of exhaustive research and covering the period 1972-2013 this book details over
600 publications the majority of which are illustrated. Entries are divided into the following
categories:- Exhibition Catalogues, General Reference, Collection Catalogues, Artist
Monographs, Publisher Monographs, Artists' books on books, Periodicals, Publisher
Catalogues, Yearbooks & Fair Catalogues, Dealerships. An Essential reference guide
for anyone interested in Artists Books or books on artists books...
Second expanded edition, 320 pages, 2013.
All prices include postage in the UK
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